Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Maisie's Special Birthday Surprise

Maisie's Grams and Gramps (Austin's parents) were planning on coming for Maisie's actual birthday, but with Andrew graduating law school that weekend, they decided to surprise her a little early. They drove alllll day Friday to get here around 10:30 that night. Maisie was already in bed, we tried to wake her up, but the poor little thing was exhausted and refused to open her eyes (I guess the first week of preschool will do that to you). So Austin's parents decided to set up camp and have Maisie stumble upon them in the morning. Maisie was so surprised! And so so happy! She was ready for adventures with her grandparents.

Maisie and "Grams" camping in the circus tent.

Trying hard to take a selfie haha this is the best one we could manage. Haha Ellie's head looks giant!

Ellie waiting in the car with me and Grandma while the men (and Maisie) exchanged something at Sam's Club before we went out for Maisie's birthday dinner in Idaho Falls.

Gramps- fire truck. Ellie- rocket. Maisie- bumble bee. Daddy- green VW. Mommy- blue star wand. Grams- pink star wand.
A picture from our traditional glow stick party where Maisie picks glow sticks out for each of us and then we run around outside like crazy people. Our last one was in November and it was freezing! Ellie was only 3 months old!