Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

2010 has been such a wonderful year. I am so blessed and so thankful for all the memories we have made this year.

I Celebrated My 22nd Birthday with Wonderful Family
(Whilst being 31 Weeks Pregnant)
March 12.2010

I Become a Mommy to This Sweet Little Angel.
May 14th. 2010

Celebrated Our Year Wedding
Anniversary With the Love of My Life
June 17th. 2010

We Celebrated Austin's 23rd Birthday at the Coast
(Also Maisie's First Beach Trip)
September 11.2010

Took Our Very First Family Vacation
September 24th - October 4th 2010

Maisie's First Christmas
December 25.2010

As it is bittersweet to say goodbye to a year that has been so incredible, we are so excited for what 2011 has in store! Maisie's first steps, real words (even though she already says mama) and celebrating her 1st birthday (yikes). We don't know what is ahead, but looking forward to finding out. Its been great 2010, you have been good to us. Happy New Years everyone!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mango a No-Go

On Christmas day Maisie had her first taste of mango. Her eyes lit up and before I could put more on the spoon her mouth was wide open as she tried to grab the bowl and spoon. I have never seen this reaction from her. Usually she just eats whatever I give her. Sometimes I can tell it's not her favorite, but she will still eat it. Mango is definitely her favorite so far, but Maisie loves mango, but the mango didn't love her back.

Maisie has never had a diaper rash. I was proud of it too (notice *was). We have had a couple close calls, but thanks to Burt's Bee's diaper ointment we have always caught it in time. But even the Burt's couldn't stop the mangoes havoc on my sweet Maisie. When trying new foods I am sure to keep an eye on anything out of the ordinary. I look for rashes (the obvious) and the not so obvious tummy aches and trouble sleeping. I was a little worried about mango because it is totally different than anything she has had before. After that first bite I couldn't deprive my darling baby of something she enjoyed so much. She had maybe an ounce of it and then I had to cut her off. That night went by great. No rashes. No trouble sleeping. Then the next morning while changing her diaper she was a little red. I put some powder on and went through the day. Maisie then had a B.M and when I was changing that diaper I noticed it was a whole lot worse. Austin made an emergency run to Fred Meyer (because we were at his parents house and of course the one time I don't bring the diaper ointment is when we need it) slathered her up and upped the diaper changes. Everyday it got a little better, but today it is completely gone.

I think we will give it some time before we reintroduce it again. Maybe next time I will dull it down a little with a banana or something else on the bland side. While on the topic of foods, I thought that I would share the foods Maisie has had so far and tell you the Maisie yum or blah factor.

Pumpkin- Big Yum (loves it mixed with oatmeal too)
Avocado- Big Yum
Peas- Yum
Sweet Potato- Yum
Acorn Squash- Big Yum
Pears- Yum
Prunes- Yum
Banana- Big Yum (but it makes her terribly constipated)
Mango- Biggest Yum
Apples- Blah unless it's mixed with pears or pumpkin and then Yum
(I think she finds them too tart alone)
Zucchini-Blah (she will still eat it, but she makes a funny face with every bite)
Carrots- Big Blah (on occasion she will refuse to eat it) Mixed with peas she will eat most of it.

I make all of her purees (Except for prunes. How the heck do you make those anyway!?) organic and fresh. I figured that I have always had a big part of what she eats (I.E breast feeding) so, I didn't want to give up knowing that I am only giving her the best I can. I am so happy I have such a good eater. I have high hopes of her becoming "foodie" like her parents. I just won't stand for a picky eater! Haha my mom has taught me well.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Here & There

Austin had to work Christmas eve, but he ended up getting off a little early and we were able to have our Christmas present opening session before we had planned. We put on some Sufjan Stevens Christmas music, ate homemade Christmas cookies and fudge and had a wonderful time playing with Maisie and showing her all her new goodies.

My parents got Maisie a couple of neat toys that she loves. One is a alphabet ball thingy (Austin & I think it looks like one of those bingo ball spinner things). She can hit the side and it spins until it lands on a letter. Then depending on the setting it will say the letter, an animal that starts with that letter, or the noise that letter makes. Maisie was so fascinated from the second she/we unwrapped it. As it's spinning it lights up and sings a little tune. It took her a little bit to figure it out, but she has it totally down now. They also got her a bird house stacker. It has three bird houses in descending size that she can stack on top of each other and then put the three little birds into the houses. She is not quite coordinated to stack them yet, but she loves knocking them down, chewing on the birds and clanking the houses together. Maisie also got a cute piggy bank and a Huntington Beach t-shirt (so cute! I can't wait to take her there some day).

Aunt Katie got Maisie a 5 pack of baby legs! They are so adorable, plus she can wear them forever. They are just so cute and also functional. They make diaper changes a breeze, protect baby's knees when shes crawling around and they also make an outfit. Maisie loves them too. She knows her chubby thighs look extra scrumptious when shes wearing her baby legs!

Austin & I got Maisie a 4 set of Dr Seuss board books, a FAO Schwarz wooden bear stacker (looks old fashioned and I love that!) a new outfit, The Very Hungry Caterpillar board book and a blow up penguin that she can bat at and it comes back. She loves to watch it teeter back and forth and she thinks the noises it makes are so funny (it laughs when its knocked down and plays a funny song in between). She is definitely good in the toy department for a little bit.

After we opened our presents we packed our bags and headed to Salem where we could celebrate Christmas with Austin's family (parents and sister). We went to bed way to late, but were able to sleep in for a change. We headed up stairs where Aunt Miranda was trying to stay patient while waiting for every one to congregate to the living room. We all finally made it and then started another present opening extravaganza. Maisie this time made it out with tons of clothes! Which is great. Maisie never says no to a cute outfit!

Austin & I also got great gifts as well. My parents sent me a lamp that I saw when I was visiting them. I loved it so much I was contemplating taking it as a carry on! Austin convinced me otherwise haha. This lamp is amazing. It is modern yet, comfy chic. I knew that this lamp is what I would want to base my (Austin's too) whole room around. The pattern and colors already matched our bed spread in a perfect, but not to matchy match way. So I was thrilled about that. Weeks prior I had guessed my gift, but my parents kept their cool, but I'm just a good guesser (plus I can read my parents like a book). Anyway, so when I "knew" that was my gift Austin and I had mentioned to his parents that we would want to furnish our room. Yeah, get this... We have been living in our apartment over a year and still don't have bedroom furniture. Up until last month our bedroom t.v was sitting on a box! We were just preoccupied getting living room/dinning room (places people actually see) and then Maisie's nursery that our room definitely got the back burner. I was always a little down about that because a bedroom should feel like a refuge. Anyway, after telling Austin's parents about my future lamp and how we would like furniture, they gave us a gift card to Ikea for Christmas. Yesterday we spent forever looking and figuring out how to spend our money the smartest. We do need a bed frame/headboard, but that could have taken all of our money so we got a dresser, a bedside bookshelf, a t.v table thingy, a new shower curtain and a high chair for Maisie that we needed badly. Last night Austin set up all the pieces and we reorganized our room and already it feels so much better. There is still more things that we need like a bed frame a big dresser and maybe some art, picture frames and maybe even a coat of paint. Austin told me today that when he woke up this morning it was like waking up in a nice hotel (but anything would be nice comparing to how it used to be haha!) we did good and I am excited to add more in the near future.

Here are a few pictures from both of our Christmas celebrations!

At Home on Christmas Eve

Opening Presents from Nana & Papa

Very excited about the H.B tee
P.s check out those baby legs!

At Grandma & Grandpa Lee's on Christmas Morning

Opening the first gift.

Sporting her one of her many new outfits

Still so cute even when frowning.

We had such a wonderful Christmas. We were surrounded by loved ones and having a great time celebrating the Saviors birth for the first time with our little Maisie moo. Christmas has come and gone, but the warm cozy feelings are here to stay.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Maisie Moo's 7 Month Birthday

It's incredibly strange to say that Maisie is 7 months now. I remember counting by weeks and now my baby is closer to a year old than when she was a newborn. There are moments where I miss those days, but then I am quickly reminded how amazing it is to have an infant this age. She is now a baby with a million faces. Just watching her for a minute you see contentment, boredom, alertness, inquisitiveness, but overall the sweetest and silliest expressions. Another thing being her noises, as much as I miss those newborn sounds (I.E the lip smacking, stretching noises and squawks), absolutely nothing can beat her saying "mom mah... momma... mom" I don't think she has fully put it together that what she is saying is my name, but she definitely knows I respond and that I am ecstatic everytime she says it. Which is pretty frequently now. It's certainly her go to noise. :-) I can see we are heading down a very busy road here soon, but we are ready. It's so fun to see her learn and grow!

Maisie is truly a blessing to Austin and I. Before her, we never knew it was even possible to love something this much. She is our breath of fresh air, our constant reminder of what's important and who we want to be better for. The gift of parenting has been nothing short of incredible. 7 months ago Maisie entered our life and there's not a day that goes by where I am not reminded how blessed I am to be her mommy.

Happy 7 month Birthday Maisie Moo! We are so in love with you.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

O Tannenbaum

Last Monday we headed to Scholls Oregon to go to a family Christmas tree farm our friends had recommended. The 20 minute drive was so beautiful. We cruised the country roads and it wasn't raining that day and that rarity alone made it all the better. Maisie was bundled up tight and we were excited to hunt down our very first Christmas tree. The noble firs were stunning! About five minutes into the search we spotted a great contender, but we wanted to keep looking. We remembered the spot and kept going. We hiked all the way up and over and even though 99.9 percent of the trees were gorgeous, they just weren't the right fit for us. We kept laughing to ourselves wondering if the first tree was the right one. Sure enough, after an hour we headed back to "our tree". While Austin was busy sawing away I set a towel down and had a little photo shoot with Maisie, but before I share some of the pictures, Maisie gave us quite the scare...

Maisie is fearless now. I don't know what happened in the past 2 weeks, but shes such an adventurous and incredibly curious baby. I had just sat Maisie down on the towel and as I was getting the camera out of my purse Maisie lunged forward grabbed a huge handful of pine needles and dirt and tried shoving all of it in her mouth. I swept her up and pulled all the debris out of her little hands and wiped off her face and did a couple mouth checks. I sat Maisie back down and started to take some pictures until she fell over sideways and proceeded to roll in the dirt. The ground was soft and she was loving the change of scenery. I cleaned off her white sweater (why do we dress our kids in white!?) and the dirt she managed to get on her face. I plopped her up-right again and continued on in the photo shoot. Then she started to act a little funny. She was still full of smiles, but in between she was making a weird chewing motion with her mouth (like a cow does while chewing on long grass). I picked her up in a panic thinking something was in her mouth I opened her mouth as much as she would let me and I didn't see anything. Austin kept reassuring me that she was just fine, but I when I was holding her she began to open her mouth really wide and continue to do the chew thing. She was still breathing, but definitely focused on what was in her mouth. Austin helped me hold her while I did the "2 finger scoop" and sure enough I felt something. She opened her mouth really wide this time and I saw a 2 inch pine needle in the back of her throat. I grabbed it out and sure enough Maisie was fine. She continued like nothing ever happened. Thank heaven! On to the pictures!

Baby Maisie & Baby Tree

Watching Dada cut our tree down.

Meet Maisie's New Toy, The Tree.

A little update for you... Maisie is a rolling machine! Man, she can move now. She no longer minds being on her belly because she can get around now. She wants to constantly roll under the Christmas tree and then grab the lower branches and shes even tried to chew on a couple of them, but that was a no go. It's so fascinating see my baby become mobile! It's only going to get more exciting from here. I am a little nervous, but bring on the baby proofing!

Maisie has her 6 month (but really 7 month) appointment tomorrow. Expect an update!