Gas station fill up and bathroom break. This is Ellie after a good nursing session and exploring the front seat of the car.
Rest stop castle!
Sleeping in the car- Ellie's much appreciated talent.
Cousin bath! Ellie looks so tan haha!
I love how big Idaho's sky is, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss trees towering above me.

Pictures Aunt Lori took of the cousin's of cousins playing together.

They started out dry, but it was only a matter of time before...

They were soaked. P.s Maisie and Maggie could be twins- the Lloyd blood runs strong in them.

Pictures Aunt Lori took of the cousin's of cousins playing together.

They started out dry, but it was only a matter of time before...

They were soaked. P.s Maisie and Maggie could be twins- the Lloyd blood runs strong in them.
If I fits... I sits.
Cousin sleepover. Maisie's first ever sleepover... Emerson's too.
Emerson pestering Maisie.

Austin bought that salsa and when we tried it, it was crazy spicy. When we looked on the packaging it wasn't labeled as hot or anything so we were confused. Until we spotted that tiny circle on the top right of the packaging that reads: "could be considered HOT". Yeah... "could be" is putting it lightly. It was HOT though.

Austin bought that salsa and when we tried it, it was crazy spicy. When we looked on the packaging it wasn't labeled as hot or anything so we were confused. Until we spotted that tiny circle on the top right of the packaging that reads: "could be considered HOT". Yeah... "could be" is putting it lightly. It was HOT though.
I know she's not in a carseat, but we were only going down the street. She wanted to try out her new headphones. She was listening to the lullabye setting on my sound machine app, so it was hilarious when I looked behind me to see her like that. She's not asleep... just "very very relaxed" haha
Arnie the greatest cat who lived and the only one I am not allergic to.
Maisie's parting gifts to Grams and Gramps.
Another masterpiece
Pit stop going home. Beep beep!