Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear H&M

I just don't know what to do with you.
 Upon countless trips to your stores I've noticed a trend. After perusing through the ladies and men clothes I always end up in your beyond cute baby/toddler/kids section {which most of the time has it's own floor. Oy vey}. I stand there and marvel at all the adorable wee wear. Stylish, cozy AND inexpensive. I manage to round up a ready-to-wear outfit complete with accessories and shoes for the price of just a pair of pants else where. I thank you for making it so easy for me to get my husbands permission to buy cute clothes, but there's a slight issue.

I don't know if there was an error with the conversion from the metric system to U.S units or if Europeans have much larger children {kidding} but every single item we have purchased for Maisie has been massive. Since going to one of your stores required a special trip downtown, it was too much work to exchange the inexpensive clothing, so they were folded and placed in a dresser drawer with hopes that one day she will fit into them. Now, I know Maisie is a lot smaller than the average toddler, but I already bought a size down to compensate. There is no excuse H&M. No excuse at all why your clothes are this large. I suggest you look into it.

 I have provided evidence below:

Now H&M, I love this knit sweater {left}. I commend you for your taste, but can you guess what size it is? The yellow sweater on the right is from Old Navy and in a 18-24 month size {this may or may not help you}.

hah! Wouldn't have guess that right? 6-9 months!? You have got to be joking.
Maisie just now wears this sweater (she's 21 months old) and we still have to roll up the sleeves 2 or 3 times.
Here she is wearing it a couple months ago at Central Park.

 The shirt on top is from Target in a size 12 months. The gray polka-dot shirt on the bottom is an H&M tee in size 9-12 months. When Maisie wears one of these of your tees it looks like she is wearing a pillow case.
Maisie is saying "What the heck H&M. What the heck!"

 These did come in handy when Maisie was sick and her fever was so high {because of the ventilation}, but they are too huge for every day wear. To prove this: Maisie's friend Holly {who's 11 months older than Maisie) came over to play last week and she accidentally spilled some water on her shirt so I put one of these on her while I put her shirt in the dryer and it fit perfectly. She is over 2 1/2 years old!! Now that's just crazy.

These are not all the clothes that were ill fitted from your stores. These are only the ones I chose to make an example of. I think we are just now starting to figure out what size she actually wears in your clothing. This leopard cardi is a size 9-12 months and fits her great.

You win H&M because I know your cute and fun designs and cheap prices will keep me coming back, but nonetheless this is a problem that should be addressed. I would be 1000x more likely to sport the puppy-dog-pretty-please-eyes-and-pout if I knew they would actually fit.

I hope you read these words in the manor they were intended, as constructive criticism.

An H&M loving mama who wants her child to look less like a stylish bum.


  1. o my gosh! there are definitely some size issues going on here!

    1. Major issues... why can't the adorable yet expensive clothes just fit? Is it really too much to ask?!

  2. Straight up agree, their sizing is nuts but clothes are adorable!

  3. Hey there! New reader here, found ya on The paper mama link up. Beautiful blog... and just wanted to say that my "girl name", for our yet to be conceived next child is Maisie! I look forward to following along...

    1. Maisie is the best little girls name around (I'm not bias or anything... ha) But be warned: I think with the name comes a little bit of a sassy gene. Adventurous and sweet, but boy oh boy, is she sassy. :)

  4. Hi! I just found your blog through Elle Keeps Moving. I love your style! I am expecting my first and if it is a girl, I can't wait to get my hands on girly clothes and headbands. Congrats on winning the giveaway! P&P would have been my fav, too. : )

    1. Hi!
      Thanks so much! Congrats on your pregnancy! I sure am a sucker for anything Pride & Prejudice. :)
