Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas eve in pictures

{& captions}

Christmas eve bub.

Christmas eve bath
{with an early Christmas gift}

Can we all take a moment to take in the amazing-ness of Maisie's curls? Thanks.
I am so in love with them.

Our "Virginia slim" Christmas tree. We are still very much lacking in the ornament department because this is only our third Christmas together. Trust me, we are working on it.

Oh as for the presents, I have tried to keep them neatly organized under the tree, but to Maisie's satisfaction they are left in disarray. I finally gave up, now I just scoot them back under with my foot. hah.

Maisie's letter to Santa complete with milk and cookies.

We have just a few more presents to wrap tonight and then it's smooth sailing to Christmas morning. I can smell the cinnamon rolls already...

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas,
love me & mine.

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