Thursday, July 28, 2011

Old School

lloyd family picnic

My dad just posted this picture on facebook and I am blown away at how much Maisie looks like my little sister Katie. We always thought they looked  a lot alike, but this is insane. They could be twins. Seriously.

From top row left to right: My cousin Jana holding Katie, Aunt Lori, My Mom (look at those sunglasses!), my Grandma Lloyd and Uncle Marek
Bottom row: My Dad holding me, my brother Tim and holding the oar is my brother Jason.

P.S How cute is it that my brother is playing with my hair? 



  1. I'm sure you don't remember, but when I visited you in the hospital, I kept saying how much Maisie looks like Katie. The picture confirms it!

  2. I totally agree!

    On an unrelated note, where were you guys? Where are AJ and Al?


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