My sweet little Maisie turned one last Saturday. It was a wonderful celebration filled with all the people who love and adore her most. She enjoyed all the hugs, kisses and attention even if she didn't know it was actually the day of her birth. It was a beautiful way to celebrate the first year of her life with our closest friends and family.
All went well with only a few "hickups". Being we live in Oregon, which is hands down the hardest state to predict good weather for, it was fairly nice until the hour of the party when freezing winds came in and tried to freeze us out. We still had a great time and will remember this day for days to come.
My heart hurts a little knowing that my baby is quickly becoming a toddler. As much as I love seeing her learn and grow theres something about being a mother that when you don't see that little baby who was first placed in your arms, but instead see a well balanced, happy child, it's so bittersweet. I love learning her little personality and seeing who she is becoming, but what happened to the baby who I used to hold and stare at for hours at a time? There are days where I miss her "jelly" self, but at the same time I wouldn't change a thing
about her now. She is honestly perfect. She completes Austin and I more than we could ever explain.
Ok enough gushy stuff... let's get to some pictures!

Everything looks beautiful! I loved reading about your special day. I was at a church meeting in Hermiston on Saturday and Layne was at an all-day seminar, so it didn't work out for us to come. But I love the photos! Doggie is doing fine, and is very happy -- especially when he is on Layne's lap. Layne was a bit reluctant when I suggested that we ought to adopt him last fall -- and now they are best friends. Scooter/Archy is truly enjoying his mad dash headlong runs around the yard every day. In addition to his daily walks, he seems to value his "running time" very much. Next weekend we are taking him on vacation with us to see Tom (who loves him) and to meet our oldest son Brian and his wife Jess who live in NYC. They will be in Idaho for a week, so we are making the trip.
ReplyDeleteHave another groovy year and drop by when you are in Salem!
Love, Kris