Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We're off to see the Wizard!




Our pumpkins were Nightmare Before Christmas themed because it's currently Maisie's favorite.

We had finished up The Wizard of Oz book and had been watching the movie like crazy so we decided we would be the gang for Halloween. In the book Dorothy mentions that the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were her best friends and although she loved the lion, she was much closer to the other two. So we decided to nix the cowardly lion and come up with some sort of costume. The only things we bought to make these outfits were my burlap, Maisie's shoes, Austin's axe and silver spray paint. Everything else we just found around the house. Pretty pocketbook friendly.

We started the night with a trunk or treat followed by a hot chocolate break to warm up (G's german chocolate coco is out of this world good!),  hit up our neighborhood for good old fashioned trick or treating and then finished the night at Hayden and Summer's eating homemade chili and hanging out with friends. 

Our intention was to have Hayden and Summer over for a scary movie later Halloween night, but we were all too tired, so we did it the next night. We made homemade pizzas and watched The Conjuring. It was the most hilarious and frightening night of my life. I screamed- like full on screamed like 4 times. No joke. I kept waking Maisie up and she gave Austin a huge lecture on how we were being to loud. haha 

If you want to see a trailer and freak yourself out be my guest- watch it here.

I would say Halloween was a huge success. We have more than enough candy to make all of us thoroughly sick, it didn't snow, Idaho's halloween spirit is impressive and we spent it with friends. 
2014 better step it up.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I found your blog because I was Googling the name Maisie as research for baby names. I was drawn in by the beautiful pictures. I wanted to know what kind of camera you have to take such crisp photos. The costumes look great too!
