Friday, August 10, 2012

Bonfire @ Muir Beach







A few weeks ago we decided to try a new beach just North of San Fransico called Muir Beach. A week prior to that, we were hiking at Muir Woods, when we followed the signs that led us to the near by beach where we instantly fell in love. It was dark out and we were starving (we had a dinner date planned at the SF Rainforest Cafe) so we didn't stay long, but we made it a point to come back the following weekend and so that's what we did. Austin and I both agree this is our favorite beach that we have been to since becoming "locals". It feels private, has a beautiful coast-like look and with the perfect amount of beach. The best part is you can have a bonfire anywhere! Which trust us, California is not as friendly with bonfires as one would think (by far the worst part about our Californian beaches). So we were over the moon when we discovered this little beach. As an added bonus you have to drive over the Golden Gate to get to it and we just love an excuse to do that.