Ever since Austin and I were dating I noticed that in the downstairs living room of his parents house, in the very corner, over a built-in desk, there is a framed story that Austin wrote. It doesn't have a date, but Austin is pretty positive he wrote it in second grade. I remember the day that I first read it and every time I pass by it, I smile because of how funny, yet disturbing the story about Austin's adventures with a leprechaun is. I thought I would share this story, and if you know Austin, remind yourself that he is a good and relatively normal person.
I will write exactly what he wrote and in parenthesis I will clarify what word he was trying to use/spell.
One day, I was walking in my back yard, and I suddenly say (saw) a leprechaun. He had a tiny violin and he was dancing to the tune. I ran back into the house and pulled out my dad's 44 stud "FREEZE"! I shouted at it. I thretened (threatened) it to tell me where it hid it's gold. He told me his gold was under a rock that was down town. I asked him if he could drive. He told me yes. I told him to get into the car and take me to his gold. While he was driving he disapearded (disappeared), the car wrecked and I died.

I have to say I am so excited to have a son one day! If our son is a fraction of the character that Austin was and still is, we will have some fun adventures and hopefully some interesting school papers to read.
Ok. To prove that Austin was a normal kid (or at least looked normal) here is a picture of him and his older brother Andrew.

Maisie definitely inherited those ears! P.s how cute are the suspenders holding up the railroad striped shorts and Andrew's blazer/bowtie combo?!
Anyway, I love my husband and I wish I could have known him as a kid, but since the day I met him our Junior year of high school it has been an adventure. He always makes me laugh and is truly my best friend and partner for all time.