We were going to order German board books online, but most had to be shipped over seas which wasn't a problem it just would have been more expensive and taken much longer to get to us, but we decided to pop into the Burnside Powell's and lo and behold they had a massive German and German/English kid and baby section. They had lots of different sections too like Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Got to love Powell's. Anyway, since Austin and I have been married and some of his German has rubbed off on me I always thought the word for polar bear is very um... obvious? Eisbär (pronounced ice-bear) fitting right? Well since that was the only word I knew and could use in a sentence I would use it as a cute insult. I.E "du Eisbär!" or "Austin ist ein Eisbär" Anyway, when we were at Powell's guess what kind of German kids books we found? That's right... "Kleiner Eisbär" Little Polar bear. We HAD to get a couple of those and we also got a English/German baby picture dictionary. Maisie loves her new books. She is really starting to love when we read to her plus she likes opening the pages and looking at the pictures. I can only hope she finds joy in reading when she is older and has a passion for learning.
Little Polar Bear (his name is Lars by the way)
"Help Me Fly!"

Little Polar Bear
"And the scaredy hare"
See that 18 letter word in the first sentence?!
A crazy long word to say "a girl snow hare"

Maisie loves this picture dictionary.
It's bright and full of fun objects to look at.
She loves when we point at certain ones and tell her what they are called.