Monday, July 31, 2017



Our little Evan is perfection in every way. He has already put on 2 pounds of delicious baby chub in the less than 4 short weeks he's joined us earth side. I think his impressive weight gain is partially because he refuses to use any and all pacifiers (yes, we have tried multiple kinds haha), so I have welcomed the new name of "human pacifier" to my long list of motherly related titles. We all completely adore him and the sweet spirit he has brought into our home. The newborn goodness is heavenly and I am doing my best to soak it all in the best I can. I feel like the third time around I am intentionally more present, no longer wishing for the exciting milestones ahead, just trying to love the time I am in now (some days are easier than others). Our family feels so perfectly rounded off now with our little man and I just am so thankful to be his mama.