Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Eastern Idaho State Fair 2015


Post frog hopper.
Can you tell she wasn't a fan? Her face coming down will forever make me laugh.

Making friends on a kangaroo.




Mommy and Maisie conquer the carousel



I tried to take pictures of Ellie all day long, but she wasn't having any of that. So this about does it. haha

Finale ride!

This year's State fair adventures were really fun. Maisie hit all the rides, we ate yummy and terrible for you food (but those are the best kinds right?) and actually really enjoyed the comedian/stunt guy, Matt Baker. Maisie even got brought up on stage for some dancing and questions. One of the questions was "can you do an impression of when your mom is angry at you?" Maisie looked longingly at me in the audience and then looked at him and chose to say nothing. She's one smart girl! I totally thought she was going to throw me under the bus with a "Maisie Claire!" or "what were you thinking, child!?" haha! Austin took a video of the whole thing, so no pictures because I was on Ellie duty, but maybe I'll try to upload a clip of it, but don't go getting your hopes up about it because I'm a slacker. haha!

Until next year State fair!

p.s Two years of Eastern Idaho State fairs, look Ellie was just a newborn last year!

Ellie's mid-morning nap

I have mentioned this before, but Ellie is NOT a morning person. Even as a little baby, she would wake up fairly early and then within that hour (after breakfast and a diaper change) she was ready for her first nap. Waking up early every morning to walk Maisie to school has been taking a toll on little Ellie and even though she has been slowly transitioning to one afternoon nap a day, there are plenty of days where she can't make it that far... So instead of cleaning or doing the dishes, I get to enjoy this view instead:






No complaints here. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Box Canyon Camping


Skeptically inflating our tent.

The babies of the families.


The view.


Tinfoil dinners and s'mores done right.


An intense round of Memory

Eating the chips the kids dropped in the dirt. Yummm

The weekend before Maisie started Kindergarten,we went camping with our good friends and their five kids. We decided that we would go for a more "real" camping experience and actually be further than 5 minutes from our houses. Sidenote: last year when we went camping we were literally a couple miles away from home, but I was 34 weeks pregnant, sooo yeah, better safe than sorry right? Anyway, we headed up to Island Park (about 45 minutes from Yellowstone) to find a camp site that could accommodate our large party. We ended up finding a nice spot in Box Canyon right above Henry's Fork river (world renowned for trout fishing and some of the best fly fishing in the states!) AKA hardcore bear territory-good thing we had bear spray! It turned out to be a great weekend to go because with all the forest fires plus wheat and hay harvest, the air where we live was thick with smoke and dust, so we got into the mountains just enough to get out of it. This trip we also decided to for-go our usual go-to camping food (hot dogs) and instead decided to do some tinfoil dinners and make use of some cast iron skillets and dutch ovens which was quite delicious. Breakfast turned out awesome too, we made pancakes and breakfast burritos. It turned out to be a really fun, albeit short, camping trip. Next year I want to camp at LEAST two nights. 

p.s don't trust an inflatable tent... ever! haha