Monday, August 10, 2015

First Birthday Shenanigans

A few pictures of Ellie from a little photo shoot we did to celebrate Ellie's first birthday and upcoming Sister's Day- I'll post on that soon.






A few more pictures of Ellie's birthday...



I love how lovingly Maisie watched Ellie open her gifts. Not an ounce of jealously, just happy to be celebrating her sister.

Maisie's special cupcake with "gold pixie dust!"

A picture from our birthday breakfast when we had a couple friends come over and celebrate the birthday baby.

It's still hard for me to believe my little baby, who in a lot of ways still seems so little and baby-like, is ONE. She adds a lot of action and smiles to our day and I couldn't have dreamed how seamlessly she came in to our little family. It's like there was always a space for her from the get-go. She was and is so easy to love and we are all still so smitten with our little Ellie bug.

I loved celebrating this little babe. We had originally planned a party with a bunch of friends and their kids, but it turned out that the weekend we had planned it for, EVERY ONE we knew was out of town, had sick kid(s), or some other plans. So we ended up just having a couple friends of ours come over for breakfast (thanks Caden and Kaitlin!). It was low key and very much Ellie's style. 

Even with how laid back it was, that didn't stop her from being spoiled by our families:
-Auntie Katie bought her a set of 8 Babylit books.
-Nana and Papa sent a gift card to Amazon so we bought her some cute shoes- which she needed badly.
-Grandma, Grandpa and Miranda got her a babydoll (which she lovingly carries all around the house), the book "If you give a dog a donut" +  the stuffed animal that goes with it and a poppity-pop

Now that Ellie's birthday is over, we have Austin's birthday next month and then starts our birthday drought... confused? Starting with my birthday we have a birthday every two months. March, May, July and September. Austin's mom pointed this out one day and followed the observation with "now you guys need to have a baby in November and another in January!" haha!