Thursday, July 16, 2015

Last day of Preschool

Today was Maisie's last day of Preschool EVER. She was sad to be done, but the prospect of Kindergarten is keeping her happy- only a little over a month until she starts! Eek! I wasn't nearly as emotional as I thought I would be (I think I'm saving it all for the first day of Kindergarten. It's the calm before the storm haha). Honestly, I feel relieved that we can almost officially kick off summer. I say almost because Austin has a week left of school- so it's finals week yayyyy. 

A little before 8 am Maisie made a little sign and then we went around the side of the house to take pictures of her last day. All I could think of was my little 3 1/2 year old baby who took her first preschool pictures in the freezing winter and now here she is a full fledged kid! She has grown leaps and bounds in that short year and a half- not only physically, but intellectually as well. While she is still her silly self, she has grown more confident and capable and we couldn't be more proud of her. 





And a comparison: