Monday, February 16, 2015

Ellie Hazel is 6 Months Old!


This little girl is a half of a year old!! Time continues to fly by faster than ever and I find myself torn between feeling like it was just yesterday that she was born and with the feeling that she has been here all along. Theres something about how she feels in my arms that's so familiar- like I have always known her. She is just so cuddly and feels so good to hold- she's sturdy, yet tiny. Squishy, yet strong. Did I mention kissable? Above all else she's so darn kissable. 

Here are some pictures of Ellie at 6 months:



Just finished up a nursing and nap session in the mother's lounge.

first sister bath

Patiently putting up with Maisie's dress up antics

LOVES mirrors. She wakes up each morning to stare and giggle at our stand up mirror.


Lately when I am nursing Ellie she stops and just smiles at me, I have been wanting to get a picture of it for a couple weeks, but never had my phone around me. Finally I got one. She's not smiling per se, but she's lovingly staring and gosh, is she cute or what?

Ellie learned how to sit up a few days before she was six months old, but she can now, slightly controlled, get onto her side and roll away from a sitting position. Even when she takes a tumble she has yet to cry (very opposite of Maisie as a baby).

Still has no interest in solid food despite many, many attempts.

Enjoys a sippy cup, but ends up just letting all the water run out of her mouth leading to an outfit change.

Loves pulling herself up when she's holding onto our fingers. She gets the proudest smile whenever she does it.

Said "Dad" last weekend. We were prompting her to say "dada" and finally she belted it out. It made Austin happy, but she's been saying "mama" for a couple months now, so take that Austin!

Still adores being swaddled.

Since Christmas she has been waking up twice each night to nurse. It doesn't bother me very much because she is such a fast eater and falls asleep right after.

Ellie is so mellow. She is alert, but very calm. She can go days, even weeks without crying. If she needs anything she usually complains for a second or two to remind us she's hungry or tired. 

She falls asleep for all her naps by herself. After I swaddle her, nurse her and sing her songs, I put her in her rocker tired, but awake and she falls asleep quickly without a peep. Austin enjoys rocking her and singing to her for a bit at night so most of the times she falls asleep in his arms, but she does just fine going down by herself then too. 

HATES her crib...  any tips for how we can transition her? She still prefers her rocker because it's much cozier.

Favorite toys: Como Tomo Teether and the Munchkin twisty teether.

Favorite songs: "Why I Love You" and "Edelweiss" also any and all songs Maisie sings to her.

We just love our little Ellie baby. She is the perfect compliment to our family.