Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hocus Pocus Halloween event @ Hemming Village

Last Saturday we went to the annual Hocus Pocus Halloween event in Hemming Village. We had so much fun last year that we knew that we had to do it again. We weren't able to stay as long as we wanted because we had a previous engagement, but I am so glad we went even if it was just for an hour and a half. It was 75 degrees and amazing- also it was the last warm day of the year. Get this, snow is being predicted for Sunday... yes, THIS Sunday. Boy, I'm not ready for that, but we have been incredibly lucky to have had such a beautiful autumn. 

I only took a couple pictures this year of the actual event and I don't think I have to give an excuse, but having two kids now changes my ability to bust out my camera as easily. But there was a professional photo booth there though, so that gave us another photo to add.





On our way back from the event we walked through Porter Park and since it was so beautiful-the park was covered in bright yellow and orange leaves, we decided to have a little makeshift photoshoot.


Sisters: all fun and games until...


...some one gets their hair pulled.
Look at that fist full of hair! Poor Maisie haha!

After we dried a couple tears we tried again, but in a position that Ellie would be less likely to pull hair. Sidenote: Maisie was so good about it. She knows that Ellie can't really control her hands fully yet and that she doesn't know any better, but that doesn't stop it from hurting. No anger, just pain.

"Here Ellie, hold this instead."


