I am going to break the silence to say that it's official.
(more specifically, to the South Bay area)

We have been aware of this possibility for many months now, but after much prayer, research and debating we have decided to go for it. Austin's job is starting a global center and they are taking a handful of their best employees to pioneer the new center in sunny California. Austin went through all the hoops and was formally offered a position down there. We signed all the necessary paperwork last Wednesday.
To say I am nervous and stressed out is an understatement. This was a huge decision, but we both feel that this is a great opportunity for our little family and after months of frequent prayer we feel we are doing the right thing by going down there.
The move will be taking place late October (around the 25th) so we are starting to figure out exactly where we will be living, what we are taking, what we need to purchase before we go and what we are selling/good willing. So we might be hosting a huge garage sale here pretty soon...
I can't believe this is happening! I am so excited, but am dreading leaving Austin's family. We are all very close and it breaks my heart thinking about how hard it's going to be to take Maisie away, but we will cross that bridge when it comes.
OK so funny coincidence... I used to work (in HR) at Austin's company and left right around the time he was offered to move to Santa Clara! Small world. I was looking through your (beautiful) family photos and thought he looked familiar. Big company you know... wasn't sure if it was him or not. Love your blog and hope this didn't come across as creepy or stalker-ish...lol.