2017 Highlights:
Finding out we were going to have a boy!
Weird to think I was pregnant exactly 1/2 of the year!
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Our vacation to Arizona
My 29th birthday in Arizona at Bahama Buck's.
Maisie turned 7 on Mother's Day!
8 year anniversary
spent with spicy Indian food and an overly air conditioned movie theatre watching "Wonder Woman" an amazing date while almost 37 weeks pregnant.
Katie came to the rescue before Evan was born.

Katie came to the rescue before Evan was born.

4th of July (last day of pregnancy and last picture as a family of 4).
Evan arrived safely!
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Ellie turned 3!
Austin turned THIRTY 3-0!!
Nana visited in October
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2017 Lowlights:
Austin's gallbladder surgery. This picture is of Austin's gallbladder function test where he was injected with contrast and with what was affectionately called a "liquid hamburger" to see if his gallbladder produced or excreted bile- it hardly did, so they scheduled to take it out less than a week later.
Austin and Maisie's both had surgeries on their ears.
Austin had two surgeries in a matter of 4 days.
My high risk pregnancy and delivery because of Evan's cord abnormality:
Velamentous Cord Insertion (VCI)
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(Great) Grandpa Sprague's passing.
I am blind as a bat thanks to Evan's pregnancy.
2017 Honorable mentions:
-Ellie is potty trained, pacifier weaned and sleeping in a "big girl bed".
-Maisie learned how to swim, has her own room and is learning to sew.
-Evan is a big, healthy boy who is super smiley and happy almost 24/7. Oh and he just figured out he is flexible enough to suck on his toes- so there's that!
Outstanding achievment of 2017:
Hitting our out of pocket deductible for medical costs 5 months into the year. 😬 3 surgeries and a high risk pregnancy is crazy expensive!
Outstanding achievment of 2017:
Hitting our out of pocket deductible for medical costs 5 months into the year. 😬 3 surgeries and a high risk pregnancy is crazy expensive!