Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Catching up: May 25th, 2016 - Kindergarten Graduate


In the last 11 days this little girl turned SIX, graduated Kindergarten and is getting her first permanent molars. I can vividly remember and recall each emotion the second she was born and It's beyond confusing and terrifying that that moment was over six years ago. How can that be? 

I have this love-hate relationship with time. It seems to pass impossibly fast and I find myself trying to grasp it and save it from slipping by, but then I see the changes my daughters make in that time that I'm so selfishly trying to hold back and I'm forced to let go. The older they get the more I truly see them and know them so why would I want to try to prevent that? Knowing them is my greatest joy and that will never change.

Catching up: May 14th, 2016 Maisie's 6th Birthday & Tavaci Performance







Maisie's sixth birthday was chock full with excitement. For one Grams and Gramps came to celebrate with us and secondly, Maisie's Tavaci class (performance choir) had their final performance ON her birthday. Maisie loved the excitement, she adores performing so I think that was just one extra gift to her on her birthday. Speaking of gifts, Maisie was very spoiled this year! It was quite the birthday weekend. How in the world is she SIX already?!

p.s We didn't have a birthday party on her actual birthday because she wanted a "Summer party" post on that coming soon :)