Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oregon Instagram

oregon collage

1) naked cat chase. 2) jacuzzi tub. 3) old picture of Nat, Austin and me. 4) Maisie in her old jumper.
5) young Austin & Nat being flamboyant. 6) my parents 25th. 7) coloring on grandpas iPad. 8) see 5.
9) high school pride. 10) homemade rocking horse. 11) future pianist. 12) Olympians.
13) one of our engagement pictures. 14) Oregon sunset. 15) Mockingjay. 16) new pjs.


  1. Sammie! I am following your blog now and I want to follow you on instagram! What's your name? I love instagram :o)

  2. Hi Sam! My instagram name is die_zaubermaus (it means the magic mouse in German and is used as a cutesy nickname) I just found a new app that's just like instagram except it has more effects so I have been playing with that lately. It's called Pixlromatic. That's what I used in the collages, I am liking it so far, but I love the following/sharing aspect of instagram.

    p.s your birthday party looked amazing and so did you by the way! That dress!? and your hair!? Stunning.
